Thursday, February 8, 2007

Answering All Your Burning Questions About Disability

As we see it, for far too long the outreach toward the non- disabled community in our state has been virtually non existent. That's why one might assume things are going well for folks with disabilities. Have a look at the DAWG Oregon blog and you'll see that in reality, things aint quite as rosey as you might think. Please post any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer them here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow thank you for such an amazing piece of work. It makes a lovely change to read something that is inspirational. I was looking through to find people with similar interests and I came upon your work. I have an interest in Human Rights and I am very proactive in this area especially in the Tibetan cause. I would very much like to follow your blog and would apreciate if you could check out mine even though it is a little different from your own,

Thanks Tenzin Dasal